addition to the practical formation, the Sacra Liturgia Summer School (3-16
August 2019) will be augmented by four presentations:

Jonas Vilimas will speak on his recently published critical edition of the
“Liber continens gradualia cum antiphonis et
quibusdam responsoriis ac prosis” (“A book containing graduals with antiphons
and some responsories and proses”), which is kept in the library of the
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.
Vilimas’ publication consists of a scholarly study analysing the manuscript,
with illustrations and musical examples, a commentary, a bibliography; a genre
and alphabetical index of the chants in the book. This detailed publication is
concluded with the colour facsimile of the whole manuscript.
in the Summer School will be able to order copies at a preferential rate.
Brother Ælred of the MonastèreSaint-Benoît will give two presentations:
Embellishment & Exegesis: An Introduction to Tropes
Mediæval man's love for liturgy, coupled
with his genius for exegesis, blossomed in the copious grafting of musical
embellishments to liturgical texts. Variously dubbed tropi, versus, laudes,
prosae, prosulae, or verba, they almost entirely disappeared in the wake of the
Council of Trent. This presentation will re-examine some of these forgotten
tropes, which can afford us a taste of the fruits of mediæval liturgical
2. The Quest for Authentic Gregorian
Papal approbation of the results of
decades of musical-paleographic research by the monks of Solesmes famously led
to the publication of the Roman Gradual and Antiphonal, both hailed as a
veritable restoration of authentic Gregorian chant, too long been marred by
substandard editions and decadent interpretation. But later research revealed
that these editions themselves left much to be desired, and Sacrosanctum
concilium called for the preparation of more critical editions of liturgical
music, an appeal that has not been entirely heeded. This presentation will
examine the reasons behind the Council Fathers' call, and the difficulties that
have hitherto prevented its fulfilment.
The daily programme for the Summer School
will be released in mid-July. Further details and registration are available here.