With much regret we have to announce the cancellation of
Sacra Liturgia Toronto scheduled for June 2019. This is due to organisational
difficulties on the part of the venue booked some time ago and due to a lack of
sufficient benefactions to make a conference viable.
We hope that the cancellation of the conference before the
scheduled opening of registrations will minimise any inconvenience caused, for
which we apologise.
Sacra Liturgia wishes to take this opportunity once again to
thank His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, for his encouragement and welcome
throughout the past year.
Details of a future Sacra Liturgia conference in North
America will be announced in due course.
The annual International Sacra Liturgia Summer School in
Provence, France, will be held as usual this year from 3-16 August. Further details
and registration will be available by the end of January.