Photograph albums from Sacra Liturgia Milan may be found through the links below. Photographs of greetings following addresses or during coffee breaks are included in the album of photos of the preceding address.
Permission is granted for their use on condition of the acknowledgement that photographs are copyright © Sacra Liturgia.
June 6: Sung Mass in the Ambrosian rite (usus antiquior) in the presence of H.E. Robert Cardinal Sarah, church of S. Maria della Consolazione:
June 6: Opening Vespers in the Ambrosian Rite (usus antiquior) in the presence of H.E. Robert Cardinal Sarah, Baslica of St Ambrose:
June 6: Message of H.E. Angelo Cardinal Scola, Opening remarks by Bishop Dominique Rey and Innaugural Address by H.E. Robert Cardinal Sarah:
June 7: Address by Fr. Michael Lang:
June 7: Address by Dom Alcuin Reid:
June 7: Address by Prof. Jennifer Donelson:
June 7: Addresses by Prof Cesare Alzati & Msgr Ennio Apeciti:
June 7: Missa Solemnis in the Ambrosian rite
(usus antiquior) in the presence of H.E. Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, church of S. Alessandro in Zebedia:
June 8: Address by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke:
June 8: Addresses by Msgrs Marco Navoni, Claudio Magnoli and Fr. Vincenzo
Nuara OP
June 8: Cultural visits to the Metroplolitan Cathedral and the Biblioteca Ambrosiana:
June 8: Votive Pontifical Mass of St Ambrose in Ambrosian rite (usus
June 9: Missa cantata in the Roman rite (usus antiquior)
Chapel S. Francesco, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
June 9: Addresses of Abbot Christopher Zielinski and Msgr Timothy Verdon. Closing remarks:
June 9: Closing Vespers in the Ambrosian rite (usus recentior) Te Deum & statio at the altar of Bl. Ildefonso Schuster, Metropolitan
Cathedral (Duomo):