With only two months to go before
Sacra Liturgia UK opens on July 5th we are happy to report that thus far
registered participants will be coming to London from over
fifteen different countries throughout the world to meet each other and to
study and discuss questions of liturgical formation and celebration in the life
and mission of the Church today.
Full and part-time registrations
remain open, though we advise delegates intending to register for full-time
places to do so as soon as possible so as to avoid missing out on some sessions
for which there is much interest. Both full and part-time registrations will
close when the auditorium capacity is reached.
We are still looking for
benefactors to sponsor places for seminarians and religious who wish to attend.
Please contact us through the conference website if you are able to help. Thank
you to all who have contributed already.
To register or contact us please
go to www.sacraliturgiauk.org