Sicut Cervus

Sicut Cervus

mardi 17 mars 2015

Sacra Liturgia Summer School 2015 - Speakers and Presentations

We are pleased to announce the speakers and topics for the presentations at the summer school in July 2015. Full details of the summer school and the link for full or part-time registration are available here.

10h15 Monday, 6 JulyDom Alcuin Reid: Praying the Sacred Liturgy.

Dr Jonas Vilimas
10h15 Wednesday, 8 JulyDr Jonas Vilimas: Re-discovering the Sense and Essence of the Liturgy: The Proper Chants of Roman Mass as the Measure of the Organic Development of the LiturgyPart 1. Out of Psalmody: the beginnings and the early development.

10h15 Thursday, 9 JulyDr Jonas Vilimas: Re-discovering the Sense and Essence of the LiturgyPart 2. Tradidi quod et accepi (I handed on what I received): The Proper Chants of Roman Mass throughout the ages.

09h15 Friday, 10 JulyDr Jonas Vilimas: Re-discovering the Sense and Essence of the LiturgyPart 3. The rupture and the solution: the impact of post-Conciliar reform and the present situation.

19h00 Saturday, 11 JulyBishop Athanasius Schneider: Some aspects of the renewal of the Church and its Liturgy.

10h15 Monday, 13 JulyDom Alcuin Reid: Pastoral Liturgy Revisited

Fr Thomas Kocik
10h15 Tuesday, 14 JulyFr Thomas Kocik: “Late have I loved thee”Discovering the Roman rite as ritual.

10h15 Wednesday, 15 JulyDom Alcuin Reid: In Pursuit of Participation—Liturgy and Liturgists in Early Modern and Post Enlightenment Catholicism.

10h15 Thursday, 16 JulyDom Alcuin Reid: The Twentieth Century Liturgical Movement.

The information given above may be subject to change. Any alterations will be posted on this page as soon as they are known.